
Deviceinformed.com is an online catalog of medical equipment from worldwide famous suppliers and companies. Our medical devices database provides information about leading medical device manufacturers from all over the world who offer a wide range of medical tools for various fields of medicine. The products in our catalog are of high-quality standards and designed for easy daily use. This category contains information about such medical equipment as uroflowmeters.

Uroflowmeters are medical devices used to measure the volume of urine, examine the pelvic floor and to diagnose various urological disorders such as enlarged prostate and problems of lower urinary tract. Uroflowmetry is a test, which calculates the volume of urine, its speed and how much time the release takes. Pediatric and gynecology departments use uroflowmeters in non-invasive urodynamic examinations. Differences in the normal urine flow rate can imply some disorders such as kidney, prostate or other renal problems.

The working principle of these devices is simple, uroflowmeter is connected to the funnel, which measures the volume and pace of urination. The amount of passed urine, a flow rate in seconds and the time it takes until patient’s bladder is completely empty. Before using an uroflowmeter, the urologist should advice to not take medicines that can affect the test results and to not urinate for at least 2 hours before the test. If you want to get more accurate results, drink additional fluids so your bladder will be full of urine. After the test, do not leave any toilet tissues in the uroflowmeter.

Uroflowmeters give patients some privacy and provide full comfort. The device can be placed anywhere and data can be sent wirelessly to the computer. The test involves only normal everyday urination, so the patient won’t feel any discomfort. Uroflowmeters have touchscreen display for transferring data and the examination can be done automatically or manually.

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