Thomas EMS

Thomas EMS

Over the past 10 years, the EMS industry has experienced a significant increase in demand for its services. This increase in the overall size and demand of EMS services spawned a stream of new, innovative products designed specifically for the EMS professional in both first response and critical care situations.

All products sold by Thomas E.M.S. must pass our strict field testing and evaluation process before being presented to our loyal customers. The products currently available and many more currently being evaluated, represent the finest Quality EMS products for better patient care.

Thomas E.M.S. specializes in:

Marketing expertise

Internal sales professionals

Outside product specialist

Key distributor relationships

Versatile manufacturing sourcing and facilities

International product distribution

Biomedical product development

Legal applications and protection for product development

Many of our products have been developed by practicing physicians, paramedics and EMTs. We encourage any creative individuals to contact us about bringing their new product idea to market.