UTAS Co. was established in 1992 for implementing innovation projects in the field of electromedical technologies.

Medical equipment that is produced by UTAS Co. combines high quality standards and modern production technique. Products of UTAS Co. have been certified according to European standard (Directive 93/42/ЕСС) and have СЕ-marking and it allows to be represented on the EU market.

Our company provides medical equipment for clinic centers, hospitals and other health care institutions all over the world. Currently, due to high quality and reliability of the products UTAS Co. successfully operates on the international market of medical equipment, creating a wide international dealer network. Medical equipment manufactured by UTAS Co. is exported to more than 25 countries worldwide.

Such a result of the company's activity would be impossible without special technical basis, unique technological solutions, application of high technologies of worldwide leaders in electronics, cooperation with leading medical institutions of different countries.