N5-101 - Dissection tables


DESCRIPTION OF N5-101 - Dissection tables

Special laboratory working table for slicing and histologist slide preparations. Guarantees a safe work in harmful environment. Table base of stainless steel (1.4301). Table tank, table top and cover of table base of stainless steel (1.4404). Stable, self-supporting undercarriage, smooth height adjustable by integrated electric motor operators, electronically controlled by push button, placed directly under table top on the cover. Steering enabling the programming of 3 positions of table-top. 3-piece, removable, perforated working surface of stainless steel (1.4404). Possible to connect to the building’s ventilation system. Air downdraft system over the whole working surface. Table tank with slope, one outflow and integrated sprinkler system. On the table top basin with mixing tap for cold and hot water, also an extendable hand shower. Table bridge with Illumination (daylight), 8 waterproof electric sockets (4 on each side) and with one railing for fixing camera. On sides of bridge railings for installation of additional equipment (document and scale holders, etc.). All surfaces cleaner and disinfectants resistant.



- 2100 x 1000 x 850/1100 mm (LxWxH)

SPECIFICATION OF N5-101 - Dissection tables

Type: necropsy, dissection, autopsy, laboratory, work
Other characteristics: electric, height-adjustable
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