9CL6109 - Hospital cleaning trolleys


DESCRIPTION OF 9CL6109 - Hospital cleaning trolleys

Comes standard with 2 drawers 15 cm high and 3 drawers 10 cm high.

Accessories upon request:

9CL6803 - Side accessory rail

9CL6703 - Right and left key lock



Made as a single-piece polyethylene frame, the Overtour cart has no corners, edges, or detachable parts in order to ensure maximum safety and make it easy to clean.



It is lightweight and quiet and is also equipped with four optional locking systems to meet different needs and allows you to seal all of the drawers instantly with a single action.


You can choose between 4 types of drawers that are available in various colour combinations, each with built-in handles. Each drawer can also be fitted with adjustable dividers.



Lightweight and durable, the single-piece frame can handle up to 100 kg. Built to withstand bumps and impacts, it ensures the drugs inside are protected and stable while in motion.


The single-piece frame design, which is a unique, original concept, ensures that the product is free of seams and cracks to increase its robustness and to keep bacteria from building up and proliferating, ensuring greater hygiene and cleaning./p>

SPECIFICATION OF 9CL6109 - Hospital cleaning trolleys

Applications: cleaning
Components: with tray, 5-drawer
Structure: modular
Number of shelves: modular
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In Deviceinformed.com, we can provide you with the information about the 9CL6109 and other products in our catalogue. If you have questions concerning where to buy the 9CL6109 or how much does 9CL6109 cost, please, contact us through our online customer support. We will be happy to connect you with the suppliers and manufacturers that offer leading medical equipment at competitive price.
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