

Physicians, certified orthotists, physical therapists, athletic trainers and other medical professionals who provide treatment for orthopedic-related problems have helped us build a reputation for delivering exceptional brace designs and customer satisfaction. In an environment where many patients feel the quality of care is declining, our company focuses on fabricating mobility-enhancing braces that allow medical professionals to achieve the best possible patient outcomes.

Townsend braces are designed for patients who have had an injury, surgery or medical condition that creates functional or mobility challenges. In clinical studies, and every day use, our braces have proven to be effective in optimizing a patient’s physical potential -- and improving their overall quality of life.

Our specialty is knee braces designed for ligament injuries and instabilities, pain (osteoarthritis), and other long-term mobility challenges. We also fabricate custom carbon graphite ankle and elbow braces, KAFOs (knee ankle foot orthosis), and AFOs (ankle foot orthosis). Townsend also fabricates and distributes a variety of short-term post-injury, post-surgical rehabilitative devices including range of motion braces for the knee and elbow, walking boots, and shoulder braces.